Rabu, 07 November 2007

Idea about the unspec/spec timers..

My allegiance is pretty small, but when someone wants to reroll and level up a new template, we help them out. That's what patrons, monarchs, and allegiance friends are there for. We help one another.

Now, factor in how much easier it is to level these days, and it really doesn't take that long to reach a level where you're having fun with your template.

If you're having a hard time finding out what template suits your playstyle the most, you may want to ask around, and see what others say about the same template you're looking to make.

I'm guessing people here want their cake and eat it too, meaning they don't want to reroll and have to redo a multitude of quests like:

- GW Recall
- Aerlinthe Recall
- Sanctuary Recall
- Caul Recall
- LS Sending
- Mt Lethe Recall
- Ulgrim's Recall
- Skill Credit #1
- Skill Credit #2
- Encrusted Bloodstone Jewel
- Healer's Heart
- Augmentation Gems
- etc.
- etc.

I really understand this side of things. I have a lot of playable characters who I've done these with across a very broad range of levels. It'd be nice if I did, say, Aerlinthe Recall on one of my guys, and when any other of my characters reaches that level they automatically get Aerlinthe Recall...

But, there are many character slots, and I think Turbine has always wanted folks to reroll. Mainly, I think, it's so new players can meet up with more experienced players, and make relationships/allegiances, and things like that.

So, to be pretty much any template at any given time, with a downtime of pressing the green triangles, pack space, and a not promoting people to reroll and meet up with new people... eh, just doesn't seem like a good thing, even when considering people just want to play, and not be 'hassled' with repeated hunting/questing that doesn't interest them.

I didn't check the first few pages of this thread, but there was one thread with a similar topic where I talked about reducing the timers for people if they haven't visited the temples in a certain amount of time. The reason I proposed that option was because the game changes, but our timers don't. Alchemy got updated, and people may want to sell stuff back to get it. People made a template choice based on current game tech/info, but devs changed what's available for the better, but we're still penalized. This situation here would also give good reason to have a gradual reduction of the timers if you aren't hitting up the temples often.

See, people have used the timers for all kinds of minor exploitations that have added up over time. Carving stuff with LP, turning in tradeskill/tinker skill trophies, harbinger / skill sellback exploitation, sellback/train/spec'z skills to pick up something that's exploitable (Virindi Wands, TW ammo damage).

Many people would pick up these gems, and keep them on their guy, and as the time arrose, they would use their gems, and get the use of skills for free. For my template, and several others, I could carry several gems, and whenever I ran into something new that was more exploitable by one template over another, I could add that skill.

So, say something is tankable by a melee/sword, but not a mage. My template, and others, allow me to pick up sword with a couple temple gems.

As another pointed out, this puts in a situation where skills don't have much meaning anymore, because you can select the best ones for you whenever you feel like it. It'd be like having a melee skill, archer skill, and magic skill.

No Timers on temple gems would really hurt the game. A gradual reduction in timers would accomodate more people who aren't looking to exploit the system.

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