Rabu, 07 November 2007

Joomladesigns Joomla 1.5 Templates

Joomladesigns have now redeveloped all the templates to support Joomla 1.5 natively. Each zip package now includes both 1.0.x and 1.5 versions of the Joomla templates.

You can also view the new releases for October 2007 called systemforce, forcast, financial and centreview which also support 1.0.x and 1.5 natively. To view the lastest Joomla templates visit the Joomladesigns web site.

Joomla! 1.5 RC3 Takriban

The development team have announced the release of Joomla! 1.5 RC3 codenamed Takriban which is now available for download from the Joomla web site. The release of 1.5 RC3 means that the core team are getting close to releasing a stable version of Joomla 1.5 which includes all the improvements taken from the RC1 and RC2 releases.

Joomla New York Conference

Joomla! will be presented for the first time in Joomla!Day format New York, next month.
The Joomla event will take place in the heart of New York City, at Google’s East Coast headquarters on Saturday, October 13, 2007 — 9.30am-5pm ET. The event will cover a number of topics plus presenations from a number of developers including Joomla! lead developer Louis Landry, Software Freedom Law Center lawyer James Vasile and Open Source Matters board member Ryan Ozimek.

Joomla! 1.5 RC2 Endeleo Now available

The development team have announced the release of Joomla! 1.5 RC2 called Endeleo which is is now available for download from the Joomla web site.
A number of improvements have been introduced to the the 1.5 codebase since the RC1 release which include the following.

  • Router refactoring solving a range of bugs

  • Media Manager refactoring, moving this to MVC standards

  • Updated scripts (version); mootools, tinyMCE, Xstandard

  • Core template improvements

  • Template language installer support

Joomladesigns Joomla Templates For September 2007

Joomladesigns has released five new eye catching Joomla templates for September 2007. The new website designs come with the Photoshop PSD files plus support a number of module positions. The designs are called SME business, Focal point, wild thing, MXDEV and JRX. To view the latest released visit www.joomladesigns.co.uk

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